Our activity

A group of people working voluntarily and passionately since 2003, which strives to improve and beautify the environment in the city of Košice and its surroundings. We plant medicinal plants, beautify public space, ecological education at primary, secondary and tertiary schools, organize the Ecologists' Forum, organize the competition for the most beautiful balcony and garden in front of the KVP housing estate, compete for the most beautiful village of Hornád Microregion, implement Mandalas of Happiness and Peace, by exploring the city of Košice and its surroundings, we clean the forest and our nature. We are an initiator and professional consultant in the creation of new botanical gardens. Join us and become a PRACTICAL ECOLOGIST. Get involved in our activities, let us know about you. We unite and help each other for the good of things. All our activities are free and voluntary. We are looking forward to you.

You can see our activities here:

Ecologists' Forum 


Earth Day


Mandalas of Happiness and Peace


Trees of happiness and peace


Competition for the most beautiful balcony and garden in front of the KVP 


Competition for the most beautiful village of the Hornád Microregion


Get to know Slovakia and your region


New Botanical gardens


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